Thursday, February 28, 2013

You know it's going to be a long shift when....

...the first guy at your first table of the day sends back his food the moment arrives at the table because it has an ingredient that he doesn't like and "didn't know" was included, despite the fact that it is clearly listed in the entree's description on the menu, in the line literally right below the title he was so easily able to read.

*smh* I hate people sometimes.

[ degreed waitress ]


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ooh, I haven't had that one in a while! I forgot about that gem. Indeed it never fails that "fetching" the menu just proves the guest wrong yet again (but this time, in print! ...and they actually read it!)

    2. DANG IT! I accidentally removed your comment. Stupid oversensitive mousepad :( Sorry about that, Rogue Wino!

      But for all the rest of the world, here's Rogue Wino's comment:

      "But you know that's totally your fault, right?? My favorite is when people ask to see the menu again first, before telling me there is something unexpected on their plate. Because I love playing fetch like a dog instead of being talked to like a person"
